Frequently Asked Questions

What is LIVEr?
LIVEr is a video food ordering platform, where individual sellers, such as home chefs, or restaurants, can easily sell their unique food by uploading a video. Buyers can simply browse through videos like on a video platform TikTok, and once they find something they love, they can directly order it from the seller and have it delivered to their home in real-time.
Does LIVEr provide delivery option? How do customers get their food?
LIVEr provides three options: Dine In at seller's home or restaurant, pickup from seller's home or restaurant, or have it delivered.
LIVEr offers secure and convenient ways to pay for your food orders through our partner payment processors:Apple Pay and Stripe.

Here's how it works:

  1. Secure Payment Processing:

    We prioritize your security. We never store your full credit card information on our servers. When you choose to pay with Apple Pay or Stripe, your payment information is transmitted directly to the respective secure payment gateway using industry-standard encryption protocols.

  2. Payment Options:

    Apple Pay: If you're using an Apple device with Apple Pay enabled, you can pay quickly and securely using your existing Apple Pay information.

    Stripe: For other devices or if you prefer not to use Apple Pay, you can use Stripe, a trusted payment processor. Stripe accepts various credit and debit cards as payment methods. Please note that all transactions on Foodtok are processed in US Dollars (USD).

  3. Payment Confirmation:

    Once you've placed your order and chosen your preferred payment method, you'll receive a confirmation notification from the respective payment processor (Apple Pay or Stripe) once your payment is successful.

    Apple Pay and Stripe both employ robust security measures to protect your financial information. These include:

    • Encryption: Data transmission uses strong encryption standards like TLS/SSL.

    • Fraud Prevention: They have advanced fraud detection systems to minimize the risk of unauthorized transactions.

    • Compliance: Both Apple Pay and Stripe adhere to stringent industry security standards like PCI-DSS.

    For more details on security practices, you can visit the official websites of Apple Pay and Stripe:

What's the cancellation policy? Can I cancel an order if I don't like it?
Unfortunately Foodtok currently does not allow cancelling an order once they are placed. This is to ensure a better experience for sellers. If you'd like to make changes to your order or if you placed it by mistake, please contact our support team. If you are not happy with the food quality or your experience and would like a refund, please contact our support team as well.
Under what conditions would I be able to get a refund for my order?
You are qualified to get a refund if you did not get your order due to errors on Foodtok or sellers side, such as: Sellers forgot or failed to prepare the food, food delivered to the wrong location, or food delivered more than 2 hours than the expected delivery time. Other conditions will be evaluated on a case by case basis, please call our customer support for further assistance.
How do I delete my account?
To delete account please check out our account deletion instruction page by clicking this link: Account deletion instruction